Earth Mother Chants

As One (By Denean off her Fire Prayer tape) - MP3 (792K) - PDF (Music)

As One we join with Her, our Mother.
As One we sing to Her our song.
As One we touch Her
As One we heal Her
Her heart beats with our own as One.

Earth Mother (Author Unknown) - MP3 (640K) - PDF (Music)

Earth Mother, we honor your body
Earth Mother, we honor your bones
Earth Mother, we sing to your spirit
Earth Mother, we sing to your stones

Evening Breeze - MP3 (851K) - PDF (Music)

(Author Unknown, music by Phoenix)

Evening breeze, spirit song
Sings to me when the day is done
Earth Mother, awakens me
With the power of the Spring

Oh Earth Mother - MP3 (1.01M) - PDF (Music)

(Words by the RDNA, music by Richard MacKelley)

Oh Earth Mother, we praise thee

That seed that springeth,
That flower that openeth,
That grass that waveth...

We praise thee, for winds that whisper

Through the shining grass,
Through lively pine,
Through the mighty oak...

We praise thee, for all things.
Oh Earth Mother, you who givest life.

Last updated - 8/28/06